

There is chaos when it comes to your employees searching for documents or processes? Where can I find which marketing documents? Where is the brand manual again? Which employee is responsible for what? Where and how do I submit my holiday? Where and how do I invoice travel expenses? To whom do I turn when it comes to new products? What was his telephone number like?

B2B E-Business Software Modul Extranet

The extranet provides a remedy and eliminates chaos. It is a portal with the look and feel of the respective FRONTEND and serves internal communication as well as the further strengthening of your corporate identity. The module is essentially based on the existing FRONTEND CMS for your customers. In the BACKEND you also provide your employees with access to the extranet. This allows your employees to jump directly from BACKEND to the extranet or log in directly to maintain the extranet (Single Sign On). The fact that the infrastructure and the BACKEND are already in place means that only another FRONTEND is connected and represents a very cost-effective but very efficient solution.

There are no limits to the use of the extranet via the CMS, such as employee overviews including photos, telephone lists, internal events, internal news, product news, company history, guidelines for field staff, guidelines for the office staff, materials for marketing & sales, job offers, travel expense accounting templates, holiday applications. This list could be continued indefinitely.

To the module overview