Database Publishing for GUNZ

A case study on international sales

Gunz Warenhandels GmbH is an Austrian importer, exporter and manufacturer of private labels in the food sector. Their products are manufactured by 150 different suppliers from all over Europe. These are often among the market leaders in their segments.

188 million € turnover

111 countries

1,200 products

200 employees

The Challenge

In the food trade, products and their prices are constantly changing, which is why printed catalogues and price lists are often not up to date. In addition, personalized price lists would be desirable, especially for individual customers, but cannot be implemented economically in the conventional way due to the high costs involved. GUNZ, the food wholesaler, was not satisfied with this and was looking for a way to generate catalogues and price lists quickly and personalised as printable CMYK and PDF documents. Numerous content or design variants (product range selection, price model, optical design, barcodes, ...) were to be practicably applicable for sales.

The Solution

According to the wishes of the Gunz company, we developed attractive optical variants of the catalogue design (layouts with different placements of texts and illustrations) as well as content (e.g. language selection, price types, large/small pictures, with/without barcodes, with/without EIAs, article characteristics, parts lists ...).


With the help of the Database Publishing solution of ICONPARC any selection of products with a combination of layout, look&feel as well as desired contents can be merged - and output as printable PDF file within seconds or within minutes as Indesign document in CMYK colour model. Thus, for example, customer-specific personalised price lists in the Gunz webshop can be generated and made available for download at the push of a button.

The Results

Both customers and the GUNZ sales department are enthusiastic about the new tool, the benefits of which are convincing from the very beginning. In the first year of use, 3,500 multilingual customer price lists were created. Further expansion stages of the Database Publishing have been continuously developed since then...


Convince yourself!