
Customer Journey

We have the ultimate solution for you so that passive users don't just become a "server load" for you!
Never waste screen real estate again and guarantee your customers a unique, carefree user experience at the same time!

Module Advertising - Presentation of innovative advertising strategies to increase advertising revenue and conversion rates

The ICONPARC Advertising-Module is an innovative advertising strategy that allows you to increase your advertising revenue and conversion rates while maintaining an active user experience. Whenever your users are temporarily inactive, the ads appear and disappear according to your wishes!

With the Advertising module, you can present your new marketing campaigns and capture the full attention of your users. This form of advertising revolutionizes your advertising strategy and gives you full control over the monetization of the entire screen time.


Technical details

The Ads present themselves to your users according to your ideas and disappear again with the first interaction:

  • Tell your users what your company stands for with promotional videos and images!
  • Show your customers purchase recommendations that match their current shopping basket.

Configure your own personalised Ads with just a few clicks in our BACKEND and discover the many possibilities we offer you and which we can expand according to your wishes.




  • Configure the start time and content of your Ads with just a few clicks.
  • Choose the best display - videos, images, websites or your own individual wishes.

ICONPARC makes it possible for you!


To the module overview